WIfi hacking

  • sudo bettercap -iface etho
  • ARP spoffing (to get in man in middle attack between the WIFI)

Evil twin attack WIFI PINEAPPLE dnsmasq hostpad conf

air crack ng airodump ng capture the password send by other device and try to guess it deauth make already connected one to disconnect and listen for the password

cewl ,pipal tool to guess password from there website and so on Tool

Burpsuite toutorial

  1. https://hacklido.com/blog/628-burpsuite-101-exploring-burp-repeater-and-burp-comparer

Reverse shell

open-source intelligence tools

  • Maltego
  • Mitaka
  • SpiderFoot
  • Spyse
  • BuiltWith
  • Intelligence X
  • DarkSearch.io
  • Grep.app
  • Recon-ng
  • theHarvester
  • Shodan
  • Metagoofil
  • Searchcode
  • SpiderFoot
  • Babel X


  1. A modular exploitation framework extensible with Lua
  2. https://github.com/assetnote/surf [ SSRF vulnerabilities on Modern Cloud Environments.]
  3. https://caido.io/ # A lightweight web security auditing toolkit brupsuite alternative
  4. https://cylect.io/




  • nmap -iR 3 random ip scan be carefull don’t use over our ISP will note
  • nmap --reason ip tell the reason for the port open close does it recevie sync ack packet or what happen
  • nmap -V verbose outut print log and double VV more verbose
  • nmap ip or ip/16 (CIDR notation) scan for all port in that ip
  • nmap --packet-trace ip print all packets transfered
  • nmap -F ip scan for commonly used port
  • nmap -p portno1,etc ip specfic port
  • nmap -sP ip only ping (namp used to check first by ping)
  • nmap -PS ip Send TCP sync on
  • nmap -PA ip Send TCP sync and act
  • nmap --traceroute ip print traceroute
  • nmap -R ip reverse DNS
  • nmap -sS ip only tcp sync scan
  • nmap -O ip os detection
  • nmap -sV ip software used on the port
  • nmap -D RND:5 [target] will perform a scan on the specified target IP address, while also including 5 randomly selected decoy IP addresses to disguise the true source of the scan. be careful with ISP

Port state

  1. Open: This means that the scanned port is accessible, and there is an application or service actively accepting connections on that port. An open port can indicate a potential entry point for communication with a system.

  2. Closed: A closed port means that there is no application listening on that port. The system actively responds with a TCP RST packet for TCP scans or with an ICMP port unreachable message for UDP scans, indicating that the port is closed and no connection is possible.

  3. Filtered: This state means that nmap was unable to determine whether the port is open or closed. This typically happens when a firewall or other network filtering device prevents nmap from making a reliable determination of the port’s state. nmap cannot reliably tell whether the port is open or closed, so it reports the port as filtered.

  4. Unfiltered: This state indicates that the port is accessible, but nmap cannot determine whether it is open or closed. It means that nmap was able to establish that the port is not firewalled, but it does not provide enough information to determine whether there is an active service listening on that port.

  5. Open|Filtered: This state indicates that nmap cannot determine whether the port is open or filtered. It could mean that there is a firewall or similar device blocking the port, or it could mean that there is a service actively listening on the port.

  6. Closed|Filtered: This state means that nmap cannot determine whether the port is closed or filtered. It could indicate a firewall or network filtering device that prevents nmap from making a determination about the port’s state.

Zenmap is GUI for nmap





  1. https://www.myosint.training/ free course
  2. https://start.me/p/DPYPMz/the-ultimate-osint-collection


Scanning tool



Bluethoot hacking

Scan for blethood

`sudo hcitool scan

sdptool browse mac address of bluethhod device


https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/ URLhaus is a project from abuse.ch with the goal of sharing malicious URLs that are being used for malware distribution.



https://escape.tech/blog/how-we-discovered-over-18-000-api-secret-tokens https://github.com/Escape-Technologies/awesome-api-security

Ip Spoofing

Here’s how to check if a hosting provider is vulnerable to an attack where someone spoofs an IP address to generate abuse reports:

  • Use two servers: You’ll need one server to receive traffic and another to send it.
  • Start logging incoming traffic: On the receiving server, run the following command, replacing “9912” with a rarely used port number: tcpdump -i any port 9912
  • Generate a packet with a spoofed IP address: On the other server, use the nping command to send a packet with a spoofed source IP address to the receiving server’s port that you chose in the previous step. Use the following command, replacing “” with the spoofed IP address, “9912” with your chosen port, and “receiver-server.com” with the receiving server’s address: nping --tcp -p 9912 -S receiver-server.com
  • Check the receiving server’s logs: If you see a packet from the spoofed IP address ( in the example command) in the receiving server’s logs, your hosting provider allows IP address spoofing.

Why This Matters: If a hosting provider allows IP address spoofing, attackers can launch denial-of-service attacks that trigger automatic abuse reports. These reports will appear to come from your server, even though you aren’t responsible for the malicious traffic.

Let me know if you need more information about this type of attack or how to protect against it.

Email vulenrablity

HTML Emails

  • Attackers craft an HTML email with specific CSS rules that target the structural changes introduced when an email is forwarded.

  • These CSS rules dictate that certain elements, referred to as “kobold letters”, remain hidden in the original email but become visible only after forwarding.

  • When the recipient forwards the email, the DOM structure changes, triggering the CSS rules and revealing the hidden content, such as a phishing request.

  • The original sender of the forwarded email remains unaware of the change in content. Examples in Different Email Clients:

  • Thunderbird: This email client wraps emails in a specific <div> tag, allowing attackers to exploit predictable DOM changes upon forwarding.

  • Outlook on the web (OWA): While OWA modifies email content and CSS to prevent styling conflicts, attackers can still exploit predictable changes in the DOM structure after forwarding.

  • Gmail: Although Gmail strips styling when forwarding emails, attackers can still exploit this by hiding content in the original email, which becomes visible after forwarding due to the removal of CSS. Source here
